Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Monday, April 11, 2011

Enjoy, Embrace, Evolve.


I hear people complain about going to the gym ALL THE TIME. They walk into the gym as if they have a gun held to their head; reluctant, intimidated, grumpy and already defeated. They walk to the same elliptical and stay on it in zombie fashion for the same amount of time and do this every day. Then, they might head over to the weight floor, do the same arm routine, and maybe do a few inner/outer thigh reps. What a terrible way to celebrate your body's physical capabilities. These people are never challenged, bored and zoned out into their TV, magazine or IPOD. The worst part is, these people think that doing the same, boring routine will change their body! Ughhh!

In order to find success in any exercise or nutrition program, you must find a way to genuinely ENJOY what you are doing. I know that Crossfit and heavy lifting isn't for everyone (although, it CAN be for everyone). However, everyone needs to find something they enjoy doing. Find a class, a sport, a running route, a hiking trail, a workout buddy, a cycling/triathlon group, a CROSSFIT gym; anything that helps you stay motivated, challenged and allows you to genuinely enjoy your body's capabilities. It is a shame to be blessed with a fully able body and not use it to its full potential.


Embrace your God given ability to be strong, powerful, healthy and ever changing. Each person is capable of achieving their full potential. Each person is granted a unique body, unique abilities and can aquire their own individul success which cannot, and should not be compared to any one else's success. Success and health is yours to embrace and hold onto. It will never be easy to embrace the pain that comes with hard work and the adversity that occurs on the road to achieving you goals. It is so rewarding to learn how to "embrace the suck" in each of your daily challenges and come out of it thriving. Embrace the journey, and the big picture. Embrace where you have come from and where you are headed in all facets of your life's journey. By doing so, you will stay motivated and in control of your choices and routine.


If it isn't working for you, change it. If it once worked, and no longer works for you, evolve. Try something new, something scarey and intimidating. Challenge yourself. If you aren't where you want to be, you aren't doing what is right for you. Just becauase a friend lost 50 pounds by doing spin classes and weight watchers doesn't mean you will find the same success. You have to step outside your comfort zone and be vulnerable. Would it kill you to try lifting weights? To run a mile? To stop eating your cereal and replace it with a couple eggs? Why not? Little steps toward something new and challenging could be the key to changing your life. Why wouldn't you want to evolve?

Enjoy what you do, everything you do and the reason you do it.

Embrace your life, you accomplishments and your struggles.

Evolve your routine, your knowledge and your attitude.

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