Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Shit NOT to say to a pregnant lady

There's not a whole lot that I claim to know about being pregnant. I'm certainly learning as I go and reaching out to those around me who know a thing or two, and who share similar lifestyle beliefs. What I have learned thus far is what NOT to say to a pregnant chick...or to like, anyone. Ever.

Here are a few of my favorites...

"Were you trying to conceive?"- Seriously? Ok, I'm probably guilty of saying this in the past. And for that I apologize. But unless you're my best friend that knows every horrid secret I possess, this question is none of your business. Think about what this eludes to- is it your business to have that much intricate knowledge of my sex life and my husband's sperm? Awkward. Stop it.

"Oh I see you're breaking out!" Yup, all this "glowing" is really just oily teenager skin making a re-appearance.  I appreciate you noticing.

"You're ass and hips are getting huge! It's like you're carrying the baby in your ass!"- For reals, this has been stated lovingly by quite a few people. I'm quite aware that I have a large ass as it is and the distribution of my newly acquired body is something I'm already a little self-conscious of. If you wouldn't tell that to a fat person, don't tell it to a pregnant person!"

"You look tired"-  I am tired, ass hole. I wake up early, workout, commute, work, coach, commute, eat, repeat. The days are early and the nights are late. Oh yeah, and my body is currently under construction growing a freakin' human. Leave me alone.

"So, what was [insert amount of weeks pregnant here] ago? Are you asking about my sex life again? Do we need an occasion to create a child...purposely or not? Stop it, you're awkward.

"Weren't you on birth control?"  Again, that is no one's business except for the 2 participants in a relationship.

"You're life is going to be over!" I hate this. This is the last thing any insecure mom to be wants to hear. I whole-heartedly do NOT believe that my life will be over. Sure, it will change, but it will be enhanced with a true blessing. I believe that we, as strong women, have the choice as to how we want to dictate the rest of our lives, with or without children. I will choose to still travel, coach, workout, go out with friends and spend time with just my husband. These are decisions that we are able to make, as long as these choices remain prioritized, organized and supported.

"Are you going to quit working?/Can you afford to stay at home?" I feel like this is a loaded question; for someone like me, who is still trying to grasp the idea of being a mom, this can cause some serious overwhelming anxiety. People will judge you for staying at home and people will judge you for going back to work. I hate hearing or being persuaded into either direction. This is a decision Jared and I will have to make when the time comes, and our financial situation is seriously not to be inquired about unless I decide to share it with you. I'm taking one day at a time, and working like a crazy woman up until the day I give least that's my current plan. DO NOT TRY TO PERSUADE A WOMAN TO STAY HOME OR TO CONTINUE WORKING. Keep your opinion to yourself, unless she asks you.

5 months pregnant.
"You shouldn't be doing THAT! You'll hurt the baby! examples: lifting weights, squatting, running, pull ups, sit ups, etc." For some reason, working out during pregnancy tends to still be taboo for some people. I've been told some pretty ridiculous things about what will happen to my body, or the baby if I do one particular exercise or another training modality that may be out of the norm of pink dumbbells. My vagina will NOT fall out. Seriously, that was said to me. Gross.
This single subject could make for an entire blog entry, but to summarize my thoughts, I believe that a strong, healthy mom makes a strong healthy child and (hopefully) an easier delivery/recovery. I'm certain that I've had an easy pregnancy so far because of the healthy lifestyle I lived for years prior to getting pregnant. I ate clean, exercised, lifted heavy and managed my stress (usually, ha). If I were to stop doing these things now that I'm pregnant, I can assure you that my body and mind would react adversely. It is healthier for me to maintain what I've been doing with obvious modifications when need be, especially because my Doctor is fully supportive of my lifestyle. I'm ready to be a trailblazer and a  trendsetter, for all pregnant women. 

These are the comments that have stood out to me most so far. I'm sure I could keep adding to the list of "shit not to say to a pregnant lady," especially as I start to get huge (er).

Thanks for reading, and let me know what horrible/awkward things have been said to you! Let the list grow and spread the awareness!

1 comment:

  1. Selfish woman. You don't care about your body or you wouldn't add to the physical stress by working out. Probably spend more time at the gym than with your kid.
