Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What you need to know about me before reading my rants...

OK, I have fallen off the blogging bandwagon quite a few times. Needless to say, I'm starting over. I will post whatever my heart desires, because frankly, Jared gets sick of my ranting. I can't promise that the topics will be interesting to all, but I hope I'm able to convey information that may help you based off my personal experience, and what I have gathered from my experiences in coaching and training.

Quick update for anyone who cares: Jared and I got married this past July. We have been married just over 4 months, and we bought our first home about a month ago. It has been a CRAZY past few months. Oh yeah, and to add to the list of transitions we have recently made, Jared has been on night shift, and I have been working majorly long days and coaching on the weekends for the past couple months. SO, not the typical blissful newlywed schedule, but it has worked out for us.

Most of you (well, if anyone actually reads this), know that I am highly involved in the health, wellness and fitness industry. Here's a little background info on me, you know, just so that what I write can be taken seriously.

I graduated in 2008 with my BS in Kinesiology. Shortly after graduating, I earned my CSCS (my big girl certification for strength and conditioning)NOTE: NOT a silly 1 day workshop that hands out certs if you pay mucho $$$ peeve #1 regarding the fitness industry. It is a great certification, and it highly recognized in this field. Anyway, once I received my degree and certification, I was able to begin working as a personal trainer. I did that for a few months and was then given the opportunity to expand my career to work for one of the leading companies in the corporate wellness industry. I worked there for a couple years and gained a ton of experience and knowledge about training, coaching and nutrition. I then got the simultaneous opportunity to begin two new career paths. I was offered the Assistant Water Polo Coach position at my Alma Mater and was also given a promotion to work as the Wellness Coordinator and Manager of another corporate fitness facility. I coach people all day, every day, and I love it. It's a great career path because it keeps me accountable in my own journey toward optimal health. Each day presents a new challenge and requires a lot of time and effort. However, I love what I do, and I love helping people change their life.

So, what do I do to stay in shape? How do I walk my talk...cuz I certaintly do a TON of talking. I first discovered Crossfit about three years ago. I had done a few workouts on my own and with some of the people I worked with as a trainer. The workouts were tough, but I wasn't sold on a lot of the methodology involved with Crossfit. After my honeymoon, I needed a new fix. I discovered a Crossfit gym and coach that was up to par with my expectations of fitness. I decided to commit to Crossfit training and see how it could improve my fitness. I enjoy Crossfit, but I do not consider myself to be part of the Crossfit cult that exists. People try it and get addicted to it. I believe this happens because they have never done anything close to this kind of training before. I've been trainng my entire life in some way or another, whether it be water polo, triathlons, lifting, running, etc. For them, it's great because it provides a new element to their life. However, in some cases it can become a total obsession. I believe, that too much of something is never a good thing...eventually burn out will occur. I have seen this happen over and over with some seriously negative effects. I strive to balance out my priorities and passions. I have learned that life requires balance and passion directed in various directions.
I go to Crossfit to build muscle, confidence and well-rounded athleticism. I achieve these things by showing up everyday and giving everything I have to my workouts. It is NOT easy. I struggle with my body image just as much as any other young female. I have injuries that have plagued me for years. I adore any treat my mom makes and I lack self-control. However, I refuse to be a hypocrite. I coach my clients and girls each day and expect the best from each one of them and with this, I must hold myself to the highest standards as well.

This blog will follow my journey toward continually bettering myself and those I train and coach daily...any maybe a few bits about married life.:)


  1. briana, you totally inspire me!! great post- i look forward to reading more. FYI- i'm training for a half marathon and if that goes well i WILL be doing a half ironman next summer! stay tuned :)

  2. Awesome Janet! I will keep this blog posted with lots of fun stuff...and a few rants here and there! Good luck with your training!

  3. Great info here, Brianna. I think balance is the key.I strive to do something every day in that respect with work/my personal time whether that be doing a weight class, biking, running, swimming, or a trail hiking. My goal at my age is not necessarily body image as you and younger women are concerned about, but to feel good and keep my body healthy so that I may enjoy more years on this planet by the grace of God. After our phone call today, I did, in fact, go ride 20 miles and felt a whole heck of a lot better for the doing. Then going back to work wasn't so bad. I thank you for being willing to put that wetsuit on with me and swim in the's that kind of encouragement that helped me complete my first ocean triathlon, so I know you have touched many other people's lives that you are working with also, just like you have done for me! I love having my own personal trainer, just wished you lived with me still :) But okay, I am okay with that because Jared is such a winner! Love you both ~ mom

  4. Spoken like a true mom. :) Love youuu.

  5. WOW! Is all I have to say. This is so inspiring and it makes me feel good to know that you do lack "self-control" just like the rest of us. You have been and continue to be inspiring to me. And yes I can say this from personal experience with you. I haven't felt so good about myself in such a long time and working out with you and all your advice and training has changed my outlook on myself. I still will not look at myself in a mirror but I know eventually I will. But I am on the road to doing what I need to do for myself with of course YOUR help and training. I am very lucky to be able to work out under your training. Love you!!! Yadira

  6. Yadira- You are doing great. It is so obvious that your hard work and dedication is paying off. Keep it up!
