I was inspired to write this blog today thanks to a blog I read earlier that really moved me. It humbles you, well, it humbled me anyway. My disclaimer before proceeding: I'm guilty of complaining, of making excuses, for having fake nails, for feeling sorry for myself, for hating how I look, for buying designer jeans. I do try to stay humble and invest myself into helping others. Sacrifice actually helps me find my balance. So, before I go pointing fingers and preaching, keep in mind, I'm farrrr from perfect.
Please look at that blog post so you can fully understand where I'm coming from before you read the rest of this. I work with a variety of people who have different health oriented goals. It's easy to work/coach the people who will rip their hearts out for you, for their goal, or because they've never known any other way. These are the go-getters. However, most people I work with aren't that easy. They come to me with zero confidence, excuses and little work ethic. I can change confidence, I can induce work ethic, but I can't control the excuses I'm given.
Excuses are irritating...it's the one thing I hate about my job. Like she mentioned in her blog, our society is SO spoiled. We are constantly given an easy way out. Work ethic isn't a skill that is emphasized as much as it should be. I'll take the person with a great work ethic over the talented person any damn day. We make excuses and complain about everything: why we don't go the gym, why we don't feel like cooking, I can't afford it, I don't like vegetables, I'm sore, I think I hurt my foot, my boss is an ass hole, I'm too fat, too skinny, I hate my curly hair, and shit, Facebook is blocked on my work computer?! omggg. We look for things to be unhappy about!
It's easy to come up with a bunch of petty bull shit to complain about when you live in a bubble. I see many people obsess about losing weight, obsess because they've gained a few pounds, because they missed a workout, because they still have cellulite, because they aren't a starter on their team etc. Shut up. Stop complaining. Stop with the excuses. Focus on how lucky you are to have the freedom to exercise, to shop at Trader Joes, to pay your mortgage, to be on a team, to NOT live with your parents, to have a job, to play with your dog. Don't be the spoiled brat that people like me want to punch in the face. If you are fortunate to have these freedoms and luxuries and are able to live frivolously, at least try to stay humble. Don't flaunt it, and please don't complain about all your "troubles." Step outside your bubble and realize how lucky you are. Stop complaining about what you don't have, and appreciate all you do have. If you aren't happy, change your situation.
Our culture tends to base our success off the size of our house, the size of our pants, boobs, amount of workout clothes, work title, shoes, jeans, etc. None of that really means anything. It's so easy to get caught up in wanting more. Sure, I'd like to look like an amazing athlete, be able to buy anything I want, live large, etc. But that's not my life, and it certainly isn't worth complaining about. I know I live a privileged life in that I have a great family, a few good friends, my health (which, by the way, doesn't mean having a 6 pack or having 15% body fat. It means being a healthy, disease and sickness free person with the ability to move and embrace my abilities) a husband who works to keep a roof over my head, and two jobs that don't pay a ton, but keep me in love with my passions.
Give more than you receive. Help where you can. Stop stressing about the little things. Be humble and confident. Have some damn integrity. Open your eyes to the rest of the world and see what really matters.
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