Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Strength through the ages, at any age.

This isn't a follow up post on this week's paleo post. It's not about how to eat, or exercise. It's a story that is appropriate for today, because today is my mom's 53rd birthday and she has been my life long example of what is means to be strong, confident, brave and beautiful.

I've wanted to write about her for a while now, and today seems to be the appropriate day to do so. Without going into too much detail of my childhood and teen years, let me summarize it by saying the following:
-She sacrificed everything for my sister, Desiree and I, during and after a turbulent relationship with my biological dad that ended in divorce.
-She worked 3 jobs as a single mom with no child support so that Desiree and I could still be normal and have everything that everyone else did.
-She's never missed a swim meet, water polo game or any other event we were involved in. Never. The same trend continued through college, where she traveled all over to watch my team. She did the same for my sister. She does the same for the team I currently coach.

-She expected the best from us, taught us what it meant to be accountable, and showed us how to be strong young women by setting the standard with her own example.

She learned how to be a strong woman after enduring an unhealthy relationship. She learned how to be a strong woman for her kids, because she has no other choice but to be. She took on the world and was able to figure out how to make everything turn out ok. Desiree and I never suffered. She re-married a man that would treat us just as well as he treated her. She had her priorities straight. We enjoyed our life.

When we left for college, my always skinny mom found fitness again by riding her bike, running, and going to the gym. She used working out as her outlet, her stress relief from from super long hours sitting at the computer working to support our college life.

She would come to me for advice on how to get stronger, and I always told her the same thing...lift more weights. Lift heavy weights. However, she was too intimidated, and had no idea what to do. I tried training her, but without me around, she felt too uncomfortable, so she stuck to her pink 5 pound dumbbells in her gym "cardio-strength" class. Whoo hoo!

I finally convinced her to change up her routine and at least try attending a Crossfit class, simply for the purpose of learning how to lift. I thought it would be a good atmosphere for her. Long story short, I get an excited phone call from her EVERY DAY, explaining to me what she did in class, and how she can never believe she is able to do 50 pull ups with the blue band, or squat 115lbs, or complete that kind of workout, "at THIS age."

I say, amazing.

I'm so proud of her for getting out of her comfort zone, and continually seeking to better herself and her kids, even when it meant putting herself in a vulnerable situation. Strength through hardships, by doing something you never thought you would be able to do or endure, shows character and defines the kind of person you are. Everyone loves her, and I couldn't be more proud to have a mom that is as kick ass as she is.
And mom, because you are the only one I know who reads my blog all the time, and always has an opinion, this one is for you, and I love you SO much! Thank you for all your sacrifices and for showing me how to be strong.

1 comment:

  1. Brianna, I have to say when I read this my jaw dropped wide open. Then the tears flowed. Then I thought, I can't believe you wrote this! Then I was so humbled to know that you feel this way and could so boldly and publicly write about me like this. I have always felt like such a simple person most of the time and yet when I hear this, I feel like I have accomplished the most outstanding job one could ever do on this earth; to raise 2 daughters to become the capable young women they are, and to know they have this much love and respect for their mama just makes me cry with tears of joy and happiness. When I question any of my past, I will remember that this is my shining moment, and the reward of having daughters who will feel this way about their mom is just priceless...the hugest honor anyone could have!
    I love you!!
