Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Monday, June 27, 2011

An update, body weight routines, HIIT, and why you won't get bulky!

Hello! I have been meaning to post for a couple weeks now, but I have been super busy! I have officially been accepted to Concordia University for my Masters in Coaching so I've been trying to get all that stuff going. I'm super excited and nervous to start school again. Bring on the time management!Anywhooo, because I have talked nutrition lately, I thought I would do a little post on exercise and overall fitness. So, here's what I got... :)

You can eat right all day long, but if you don't accompany your diet with exercise, you will not have the hot bod you want. Yes, you can lose weight by eating right, but your body won't physically respond the way you want it to. Your skin will be loose, and all you'll be is a shriveled up version of yourself. With clothes on, you'll look good...but doesn't everyone want to look good naked?

Many women believe the way to a hot bod is through tormenting your joints with long bouts of cardio. Eww. Been there, done that. Even smart, athletic women fool themselves into thinking that more and longer is better than shorter and harder. It gets justified with, "well, my heart rate monitor said I burned 600 calories!" or, "The screen on the elliptical said that I burned 300 calories."  Cardio alone does not give you the strong, athletic, healthy body that you are looking for. Cardio through metabolic conditioning, intervals and sprints keep your heart healthy and your muscles strong. That's the way to go if you want to "get your cardio in." Why? Because when you do High Intensity Inverval Training (HIIT), your metabolism spikes and continues to burn for a longer amount of time, even hours, and in some cases, days after your short interval workout. Your body goes into recovery and restore mode, therefore, everything, including your metabolism, becomes activated at a faster rate.

Aside from cardio, ladies, the best damn thing you can do for your body is to lift weights. Pink dumbbells don't count. If you purse weighs more then the weights you grab when you go to the gym, there's a problem.

I understand that not everyone has access to a good trainer, or to a gym. No problem. Use your own weight with these body weight/minimal equipment exercise routines. These routines are broken up into body weight, body weight + pull up bar, body weight + rings and body weight + jump rope. You get the idea. Very minimal, very cheap to purchase these items, AND you don't have to purchase anything if you don't want to. This should be your starting point. Do what you can, and if you can't do the full workout, cut down the time, rounds, or reps. Make it work for you.

Everyone from couch potatoes to moms, to moms that are couch potatoes, to full on athletes can benefit from those workouts. Seriously. Intensity is key. The harder you push yourself, the better the results. Just do the damn thing. Anyone can go out on a run, but many of the people who are out running, can't do 10 push ups, in fact, most can't do a single push up. Be the person who can run, jump, do a push up, and carry your Costco groceries from the car to your kitchen in one trip.

But let's get real, if you are seriously sick of your workout regimen, are no longer seeing results, or never saw results in the first place, YOU need to change. Your body is smarter than you give it credit for so it learns to adapt pretty freakin' fast. Do you have a flabby belly from your marathon training? Do your arms get tired from holding your kid for an extended amount of time? Do you have a saggy ass? Time to add the big boys to your life. Stop being scared of getting bulky. Lifting heavy weights will NOT MAKE YOU BULKY.  

Obviously I'm going to be a huge supporter of joining a Crossfit or other Strength and Conditioning gym.  I will also promote personal trainers....BUT if your trainer is more like a professional counter and is more concerned with how they look rather than your progress, find someone new. You're wasting your time and money. You cannot put a price on your health and wellness; some things are worth investing a little money into. Yes, that means you cut back on what you spend at Starbucks weekly, or those Saturday night drinks.

If you have no idea what to do at the gym, I highly recommend reading Rachel Cosgrove's book, 'The Female Body Breakthrough". It is a FANTASTIC resource for women looking to learn how to lift weights properly. It speaks to women with no experience, who are intimidated by the 24 Hour Fitness crows that's filled with grunting, sweaty men. Don't let trainers and the men around you intimidate you. If you have a question, find a trainer and ask him or her to show you a proper squat, or what a deadlift is.  If you see someone working out, and they look like they know their ish, ask them questions. If you aren't comfortable approaching a trainer, go to the front desk and have them refer you to someone with a "strength and conditioning" background, someone who trains athletes. They will refer you accordingly. Swallow your pride and seek the assistance you need.

To summarize, if you want to look "lean and toned," you must challenge your muscles with body weight exercises, high intensity cardio (sprints, intervals, metabolic conditioning) and by lifting weights that are heavier than your stupid purse. You will not get bulky. Don't try to argue it. Besides, most men I know prefer strong, athletic women over frail, weak, skinny-fat girls. Be strong, be healthy, challenge yourself to something new. If your current routine sucks and you don't have the body you want, take the initiative to change it. If you want to find a gym or trainer near you, contact me and I will help you find the right fit.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Bri on being accepted and going back to school. Hope you enjoy every bit of it :)I love reading you blogs it always reminds me to stay on track if I want to get toned and lose weight. Thanks for you words it always put a smile on my face and many others too :)Good Luck in school Wish you the BEST :)
