Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Week

I don't have anything profound to say today/most days. But, it's quiet morning at work and all I wanna do is be at peace with my coffee and babble onto this blog and not think about all the stuff I should be doing.

Even Gunner had an Ugly Christmas Sweater
We had our 1st annual Ugly Christmas Sweater/White Elephant Potluck over the weekend. It was Jared's idea to just have a few of his work friends over for a little Christmas get together. But then, it evolved and I'm very happy it did! It was great to see so many of our friends come together again for the first time in a long time; it ended up being a bit of a wedding reunion! It was filled with amazing friends, Christmas treats, Tequila, random side dishes and a super late, Monday morning bedtime.

We live crazy busy lives year round. However, life seems to speed up and get stressful during the holiday season. It becomes even harder to balance school or work with family, time with friends, eating right and exercising consistently. I'm definitely not here to preach, writing this kind of acts as a reminder to me about what really matters around this time of year. I will still be running around like a crazy woman this week in order to buy last minute gifts, run a bazillion errands, host a few dinners, and drive all over Southern California to see family members. This year, I want to make more of an effort to be at peace and enjoy the family that I don't get to see often, see friends from high school and just BE...which is a really hard thing for me to do.

Anyway, my advice to anyone who becomes a crazy person during the holidays (me), or to the person who is waiting until January 1st to get into a routine again, or to the person who is simply too lazy or unmotivated to do anything....or to anyone else who doesn't fit into these categories....

Enjoy your time, find your peace, your joy and live in the moment. Remember those who have passed away and treasure your memories with them. Go outside and play to appreciate your health. Find time to get in a short workout. Start your New Years Resolution(s) early. Take your dog, your boyfriend, your grandma, ANYONE on a walk with you. Engage in conversations. Bake a new treat.  Our time on Earth is so short, and I'm always reminded of this at Christmas time.

Life is good. It's crazy, it's beautiful and it's an ongoing opportunity to make each day, each year and each experience better than ever before. Happy Holidays, people!

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