Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Peace, Love and Balance

First off, thank you to all those who have given me such positive feedback about the past two posts. I can't thank you enough for the kind words and support.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a great weekend because neither of us had to work! We were actually able to spend some time together, and we were able to get a lot accomplished around our new home. The highlight of my weekend was Friday night. We stayed in and made some yummy paleo tacos in our amazing new kitchen! It was so fun to just listen to music and cook with Jared. For anyone who truly knows me, it should surprise you that I found genuine joy being in the kitchen. We watched a recorded Modern Family and cuddled with our kittens. It was the best night I have had in a looong time. Ridiculous, right, we are 24 and 25 years old...shouldn't we be at a bar or something?! ;)

So, I mentioned the story above because it is so rare for us to have days like that. I work A LOT. My alarm goes off at 5:30am and I usually don't get home until 9pm. It has been a rough couple of months. Jared was working nights, I was working all damn day, we didn't see each other often, and we were somehow able to go through the most chaotic process of our life thus far...buying a home. It was a busy schedule, and there were a few days that I drove home from coaching in tears; feeling like I was taking on too much. I felt like I was failing as a wife because I wasn't there to spend quality time with Jared on the days he was actually home. I was unable to be a "team player" in my own marriage. Jared got stuck doing EVERYTHING for our home life (dishes, laundry, errands, shopping, paperwork, packing, cooking etc)...not to mention he was working 12 hour night shifts! I felt awful, and very conflicted. My life was lacking balance. I love what I do, but I was getting seriously burned out. Again, I've been married coming up on 5 months, and in those five months, we've gone through a lot as a couple. However, these first few months of marriage have showed me how genuinely supportive and understanding he is of my aspirations and crazy schedule. I couldn't ask for a better teammate. :) We have a solid relationship, and luckily he knows where my heart is at; for that I am grateful.

This is how I have been feeling lately...

I wanted to share that experience because it is something that I struggle with everyday. I am continually seeking balance and learning where my priorities are at any given time. Sometimes (like during water polo season), coaching will dominate my work life, however, I know I can't let it dominate my personal life. My career will not take precedence to my marriage, or my relationships in general. I will give every ounce of myself to my passions, but at the end of the day, I know I need to put a lot of work into my new marriage. Jared is a top priority and it is my obligation to give him all that I have. I use my relationship with Jared as an example of one of the top priorities in my life that I need to invest a lot of time and care into.

This example can be used as central theme for all other priorities in life. Quality time with your family, your health, exercise routine, nutrition habits, church attendance, etc are often neglected or put on the back burner because of work, or other "priorities" that also demand time. Remember to balance, and prioritize the aspects of your life that will keep you happy and healthy long term.

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