Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All you need is love....and support

I've come to realize, through my own trial and error, and from the experiences of some of the women I have coached and trained over the past couple years, that finding a support unit, is much easier said than done. Often times, when you make a change, a change that challenges you to develop a new routine or way of life, you will often lack support and understanding from those around you. Family members, your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, and so on, may not understand your new way of life. They may call you crazy, or even criticize the work you put into becoming healthier. They may even go as far as to tell you that is it un-healthy to workout as often as you do, that is is crazy to eat that healthy all the time, etc. Let them question you, and continue to push hard toward optimal health. Obviously, life requires balance, so nothing in your life should be taken too extremely. If someone questions your way of life, consider their point. If you are miserable from pushing yourself to workout too often, and never allow yourself an indulgence, maybe they are right; maybe you should re-evaluate your "healthy" way of life.

For most people, however, this is not the case. The average American is used to sitting on their ass all day at work. They come home, stuff their face because they did not eat enough during their work day, and then proceed to sit on the couch and watch TV or facebook for the rest of the night. So, when the "average American," questions your "crazy" wellness routine, just let them serve as a reminder to you as to WHY you choose to work hard at improving your health. Let them motivate you to train harder and eat well. There is a chance that they may find inspiration from your actions.

There are too many benefits to training hard and eating right to list here. If your routine gives you confidence, improved health, strength, endurance, etc, then by all means, continue what you are doing and do not let anyone bring you down. It can be frustrating when your own family doesn't understand the lifestyle choice you make, but isn't that true in so many different facets of life? There will always be people who try to bring you down, who refuse to understand you, who choose to not fully support you and who could never imagine doing the things you choose to do. More often then not, these people tend to be the closest people in your life- your family and friends. If this is true for you, I encourage you to reach out to a group of like-minded people. This is why I love going to my Crossfit class. We all have similar health related goals. If you are a runner, join a running group. Love cycling? Join a bike group. Different clubs and classes give you the opportunity to surround yourself with people who have similar interest. You should not have to give up on your family or friends. Act as a silent ambassador for a healthy lifestyle. Lead by example. The last thing these people want to hear is a lecture as to why you workout and eat the way you do. If they ask, please proceed to tell. You never know who you will inspire with your actions.

If you are fortunate enough to have a strong, solid support unit, be it your significant other, family member, friend, etc, be sure to thank them. Explain to them how much you value their support and understanding. These people need to know that they are being recognized for at least trying to understand your lifestyle. Thank your workout partner, your number one fan cheering you on at your race, your dinner partner who eats the healthy food that you make, your friends who understand why you don't want to get drunk off your ass every weekend.

I encourage you to make your goals known by leading as an example of outstanding health. Keep working hard and feed your body the food that makes it healthy. People will catch on to your positive change and new lifestyle. Hold your head high. Do not let anyone distract you from achieving your healthiest body and mind.

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