Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Monday, January 3, 2011

To Protect and Serve::God's Work

I stared at this picture for a long time. I look at this child's face and see pain, sadness and PRIDE.

FYI: This post is not about health, nutrition or wellness. This is a tribute to those who risk their lives for our freedom and safety. This is also a tribute to those who stand behind these men and women. I want to acknowledge the heartache and sacrifice faced by those working to protect and serve and the people who love these men and women. These feelings have been weighing heavily on my heart lately with the holidays and my sister's boyfriend's departure to the US Army.

I have had a lot of people in my life think it's crazy that I married a cop. I have had total strangers tell me my relationship will fail, simply because cops are "this way, that way, are at risk of this, or that." I've learned to ignore the stereotypes and the statistics. I have made a decision to embrace the job that my husband has because it makes him happy and because I am PROUD. He is truly doing God's work; protecting the good and eliminating the evils of society to the best of his ability. He sees what you would never want to see. He communicates with the people you avoid eye contact with on the street and knows them by name. There's a whole lot of ugly in this society that most people are completely oblivious to. At the end of the day, he does this job because he wants to do good for our society.

My sister's boyfriend, Evan, left for a four year venture with the US Army. He graduated from UCLA, has a wonderful family and a loving girlfriend who is going to miss him terribly. It breaks my heart to see my sister so devastated that the man she loves will not physically be with her for the next four years. However, in my sister, I see the same pride that I have for Jared. She is proud of Evan; proud that she has a man who loves her and loves his country. He wants to do good for our nation, he is working for the greater good.

These men and women sacrifice everything to protect you, your home, your freedom, your education, your children. They protect the people who can't protect themselves. They risk their lives selflessly.

It isn't easy being on "this side," either. We see and hear the heartbreaking stories, the frustrating stories, the injustices and the misrepresentation of the people we love and what their careers represent. Many moments are missed and holidays are missed or celebrated on other days. We have pride in our loved ones. We have pride in the greater good. We have pride in the strength of the men and women serving, and pride in ourselves for standing by our loved ones, despite the criticism. Our pride is our number one strength.

For all those serving in the military, law enforcement and fire departments, thank you for keeping our nation safe, our community safe and our families safe. Thank you to the families of these men and women. It isn't easy on either side of this, but it is worth recognizing and defending. Hold your head high, because no one can question or argue against doing God's work.


  1. Wow! This is an amazing post! I saw it because your husband re-posted it and it is def worth re-posting. My husband is deployed right now and this just brought up so many emotions for me. I was told the same things about marrying a military man that I am sure you were told about marrying a cop. Thank you for this post!

  2. Hi Katie! I'm so glad this resonated with you. Thank you for commenting. There are not a whole lot of people who understand this lifestyle. Please feel free to pass this a long to anyone you know who can relate, or who would enjoy reading this. :) Take care!

  3. Today I ran into a guy who's son was over in Iraq and stepped on what I believe was a mine. He had both legs blown completely off, however he lived. I just about broke down in front of him as he was telling the story about his son. He is doing as good as one can given what has happened to him. It really hit home at the sacrifice these men and woman are making every day. The sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, family members and friends who are laying their lives on the line for us.

  4. Absolutely. Thank you for your comment, and I'll be sure to pray for his family!

  5. I sent this to my girlfriend thank you this says a lot. I'm a ff and a cop so things are tough. We need to stick together especially when it's a lifestlye not everyone is used to or they think they are a lone this reminds them they aren't.

    1. Thank you for your service, Jordan! You're right- we all must stick together. Thanks for the comment!
