Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Monday, January 10, 2011

Going Public

This is a follow up to my previous post on here. I decided to take the personal approach and make my goals publicly known. It's proven fact that if you write your goals down, make your goals public, and talk about your goals consistently, you are more likely to actually accomplish them. So, I decided that this is the best forum for me to express my goals for the next year. This post will help to keep me in line, and help to keep me accountable across the board. Feel free to steal any that may apply to you!

-First and far most important goal is to continue to practice what I preach to my clients and my girls every single day.
-Eat Paleo 80% of the time and plan my cheats strategically.
-Deadlift 300 pounds.
-Power Clean 135 pounds.
-Conquer 1 Muscle Up...this one is gonna take a while. :)
-Improve my pull ups- kipping and strict.
-Explore Alaska with Jared this summer.
-Take Vitamin D and Fish Oil TWICE each day (I'm REALLY bad at consistently remembering to take pills).
-Take better care of my skin by wearing sun screen and using lotion every day.
-Do a triathalon for FUN again...not because I have to.
-Embrace my body and eliminate all negative thinking/negative comments.
-Find a church in Thousand Oaks.
-Make time each day to pray with Jared.
-Be a role model for the girls I coach by continually setting a good example.
-Keep blogging!
-Continue to build my relationships with friends and family, and eliminate the people and situations that bring me down.
-Control my stress by maintaining balance between my wellness job, coaching job, marriage, and "me" time- this one will NOT be easy.
-Start a new family tradition between Jared and I.
-Live and preach the "strong is beautiful" message.
-Begin my Masters. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Brianna - you continue to amaze and inspire me. I think I would be in a different situation in a lot of ways if I were to have taken the time to think like you do at your age. It is a good thing to have goals like you do. Kudos.
