Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Freedom Of Choice

The paleo/crossfit challenge is over. It was an experience that I didn't take as seriously as I could have, but at the same time, it really made me aware of the choices I make on a daily basis. This got me thinking about the "why" of making healthy choices. Why do you choose to eat healthy? Why do you make poor choices? Why do you get the F*** it attitude when it comes to home made cookies...or whatever your devil food may be.

Why do we choose to live well, or why do we choose not to? Who are we doing it for, who is holding us back? Why do we let chocolate have overwhelming control of our so called willpower? Do you choose to hit the snooze button instead of working out in the morning?

Everything in life is a choice. My sister, as a psychology major, always gives me crap for saying that I lack sympathy. She told me that after breaking up with an ex-boyfriend, I was the person she would call for real, practical advice...the kind of advice that said something to the sounds of, "move on, he's an ass hole, take care of yourself, he's a F*&&^% idiot and do you want me to beat him up?" I was certainly not the person for her to call when she needed someone to cry and sympathise with. WHY? Because I expected her to make the choice to move on because someone of his character wasn't right for her and most definitely wasn't worth going back to. I wanted her to think logically...think through her overwhelming emotion. Have I made my point?

I'm a supporter of sayings such as, "you dig your own grave," "you reap what you sow," etc. Basically, everything is a choice...there is no wagon to fall off of, or the I HAD to have a drink/smoke/cookie/binge. People ruin their lives based on poor choices they make, and often times, these initial choices turn into a repetitive cycle; an addiction, which again, leads to a series of choices that you feel you HAVE to make. I have a lot of people in my life who have made conscious, unhealthy choices that have lead to their obesity, heart disease, alcoholism, drug use and death. So, when we take a step down from addiction and look at routines, decisions, and habits, all actions and choices have repercussions. Why consciously make a decision that will in one way or another, in some degree or another, destroy you?

So, why do you choose to live your life the way you do? For me, the way I eat and the way I exercise makes me feel good. I love the philosophy of eating all natural, fuel inducing foods, and the ability to lift heavy weight in a variety of anatomical planes. I do it because 3 years ago and a few shoulder surgeries later, I was told that I would probably never be able to lift my own child after the damage done to my shoulders from years of water polo and swimming. I love that I can now easily throw a hundred something pounds over my head at 6:30 every morning. I am a testament to a strong, healthy, body, mind and image...and that gives me pride because I fought for a long time to acquire that mindset. I choose to do something that makes me feel good. I also have the ability, the freedom of choice, to decide when I want to indulge, and I choose to not make it into a habit. The choice is always yours.

1 comment:

  1. DDDDDAAANNNGGGGG - a very powerful message, as I have personal knowledge of what you are speaking of here! Empowerment. It doesn't always come naturally for some of us but when it does, it can be life changing. Remember that everyone walks their walk at different time schedules than what one might think they ought. Balancing compassion with tough love can be difficult. Your ability to lift the weight you do blows my mind, as I have said I remember when you could not lift the hairdryer to dry your hair. Many kudos to you for your hard work and example-setting for your sister and others. :)
