It's graduation time for some of the girls I have coached. I'm proud of each one of these girls, as they have endured quite a different college experience than the average college graduate. They have learned to balance their academics with practices and games, experienced emotional highs and lows, endured injuries, realized their potential and true strength, while battling against their weaknesses and failures. They fought, they endured, they succeeded. These young women have completed their undergraduate degree and for most, their collegiate water polo career. Life after school, after an athletic career can be a intimidating place where true character is tested. Yes, character is tested throughout college, especially as an athlete, but facing "the real world," where there is no practice schedule to abide to, no tournament on the weekend, no set class time or test to study for, is a whole different ball game.
I'm feeling nostalgic after watching their graduation. It got me thinking about everything that has happened over the course of 3 years. When you graduate, or begin something new in general, there tend to be feelings of uncertainty, excitement, anticipation of a new everything, and the fear of the unknown path.
It has been 3 years since I was surrounded by a sea of caps and gowns, cameras, flowers, friends and family. A lot of good has occurred since then...marriage, new city, a home, wonderful careers, etc. I'm blessed, and I give thanks every day. However, none of those blessings have come easily. Not.At.All. College doesn't prepare you for many aspects of life after graduation; you learn as you go. There have been major sacrifices made in the past few years that have changed me, and led me to the happiness and the almost sense of security I feel now. What isn't seen by many is that Jared and I are 25, in our first year of marriage, working our asses off to pay our mortgage and still afford a semi-comfortable lifestyle. We balance his night shift with my coaching/wellness schedule, try to be successful in our given careers, are starting school again, and we have done it all on our own. It's me. It's him. It's our time, money, work ethic, our faith and love that has endured. He has been my support unit, a long with my family and very few true friends. It hasn't been easy, but it has been and is so incredibly worth it.
Upon entering a new chapter, I think you have to make a conscious decision to be successful. You can't just hope that things will work have to pursue your potential proactively in order to become something or someone you can be proud of. I have seen plenty of friends my age who are seriously struggling. They can't figure it out...their job, their living situation, relationships, their next step in general. It upsets me to see people underachieve...for whatever their reason. I know that everyone has their struggles and justifications for them; the problem comes when people don't pursue a better situation....when they decide to settle for less than they actually are. For the people who are stuck but working toward the's just a matter of time. Good things unfold for those who persevere.
Living unhappily in a career, marriage, home, or even your own body is miserable. If you aren't happy, take the steps to change it. Apply to different jobs, go back to school, move to a different city, break up with someone who is pulling you down, dedicate time to being a healthier individual through exercise and proper nutrition. Utilize the resources you do have, and reach out to others for help. Don't get too comfortable, and be persistent.
Congrats to ALL the graduates out there! The next step is rewarding and the potential that lies ahead is yours to own!
After reading this post I took a minute to think about everything that has happened to me in the past three years since we graduated. Although we both took different paths, relocated to different cities, and had different experiences, one thing we absolutely share is perseverance. Things weren't always easy, situations were uncomfortable at the start, and there were definitely obstacles we each had to overcome. But we pushed through, and I am so thankful to have had you by my side through the past three years. Just imagine what we can conquer in the next three years. So many opportunities lay ahead of us, and I can't wait to see how the pieces come together! Love you!