Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Recipes

I'm kinda, borderline, sick. My glands are swollen, my body hurts and I'm definitely not at my best. It's been a stressful week....remember last week when I posted about being all fluffy bunny feeling about my Masters degree? Well, that fluffy bunny feeling has ended because I got slapped in the face by my new class. Hello workload. FML. This isn't going to be easy. I haven't even been able to get excited about Aussie land yet because I'm so busy trying to get things with school and work together before we leave. I know, life could we way worse. I'll stop complaining now.

Not gonna lie...I enjoyed some birthday cake with Jared and Ally over the weekend despite my little paleo-ish challenge thing I have going on. I could have said "no thanks"...buuuut I didn't. So there...that's my confession.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is not to bitch about being a fatty or having a hard class. It's to post 2 recipes that I find to be quite amazing, cozy and filling.

Presenting my two favorite fall recipes: Paleo Chili and Speghetti Squash!
**These taste great even without vegetarians/vegans...have at it!

Paleo Chili
**I forgot to take a picture of it...but you all know what chili looks like. I can guarantee that it tastes better than it looks!

2lbs ground beef- cook first
2 bell peppers
1 purple onion
1 can of organic tomatoes - for the sake of easy
2 cans of organic tomato sauce
Chili Powder- add to taste
Garlic Powder- add to taste
Cumin- add to taste...and then some
Onion Powder- add to taste
   Add to Crock Pot and cook on low for 8 hours. BAM.

Spaghetti Squash by Desiree and Brianna:

one spaghetti squash
1 lb ground beef
Spicy italian sausage (I used 2 links, but it doesnt really matter)
1 jar marinara sauce of choice (I used tomato basil)
1 diced onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano

Heat oven to 350 degrees. spray cookie sheet with coconut oil. cut
spaghetti squash length-wise and remove seeds. lay squash cut-side
down on the sheet and bake for 30-40 min or until a fork can easy
penetrate the rind. When done, flip the squash over to help it cool

While its cooling, cook the onion, beef, and sausage and garlic
together in a pan. Drain the excess fat and add the marinara sauce,
basil and oregano. Set aside.

Once the squash has cooled enough, take a fork and shred the inside.
Put the sauce mixture over the shredded squash and enjoy!!

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