Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Be Better

This past weekend I attended a USA Weightlifting certification course/seminar because I needed to earn some CEU's for my CSCS. I earned my CSCS 3 years ago with the intention of being a credible female in a male dominated strength and conditioning world. I didn't really know what I wanted from my future; I just wanted to have the best certification, the best street cred, and the best resources to learn from.

I was reminded this weekend why continuing education is more important than just earning units to maintain a certification. It's the pursuit of betterment; practicing and reinforcing what I preach in my profession. I was challenged to evaluate myself; my knowledge, form, networking and interest.

This experience with a simple continuing education course can be applied to so many aspects in life. Take the time and make the effort to better yourself whether it be with your education, your lifestyle, attitude, relationships, nutrition, workout routine, etc. Check yourself, challenge yourself. Be humbled. Change. Are you as good as you could be or think you are? Ask for help, seek feedback and become the best that you are capable of becoming in as many areas as possible.

John Wooden said, “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”

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