Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fake It Til' Ya Make It

Holy Shit! I can't believe I am posting this online, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I am going public with my goals. I am being honest with myself, my clients and anyone who chooses to read this blog. Now, as you can imagine, this is a little painful/embarrassing for me to post. Seriously. The past month or so was filled with my mom's yummy Christmas cookies and treats and one too many indulgences. I'm definitely not at my best, but I know it could be worse. By broadcasting these photos on the Internet, I will be more inclined to hold myself accountable.

Reasons for the pictures:
A. My Crossfit gym is doing a 6 week Paleo/Performance Challenge.
B. I don't care about winning the contest...not at all. I just want to see a healthier version of me develop. I want to see the results in pictures and in my performance, not by a number on a scale or a number on a chart. Pictures and performance tell the whole story.
C. The next few months will be challenging. My work hours will be long, and I will be traveling every weekend with a group of female athletes who eat like teenage boys. I will be eating at restaurants that don't offer the best selection of healthy food. If I can stay true to a healthy eating and workout regimen during the crazy times, there is no excuse for me not to maintain these healthy habits during the not to busy times.
D. I'm not a skinny bitch. I never will be. I have muscle, I have boobs, and I have a butt. I don't represent model skinny or model beautiful. This is real, and the goals I am reaching for are attainable. They are healthy and realistic. If I can do this, during the busiest time of my year, any female can do the same damn thing. Cliche? Maybe, but I hope this inspires someone to put themselves out there and go for it.

I'm faking it til' I make it. I'm making changes, not excuses. I'm "faking" confidence in these pictures and in myself. I will embrace the new challenges, the structure and the strict routine for the next few weeks. I will "fake" this process, until I make my goals happen. I want to see a healthy transformation, and continue to instill healthy life habits and routine. into my life. Sometimes, leading by example requires "faking it til' ya make it."


  1. Bri you are right people live busy life schedules everyday in life. If people could handle there busy schedule and still be healthy. That’s Awesome. There should be no reason for you to be faking or be embarrassed about your pictures. Your body looks great to me but of course to you its no great. I know that this 6 week Paleo/ Performance Challenge you will succeed and once you take a updated picture you will be very tone and happy. I wish you the best in this Challenge. You’re my inspiration for me to reach my goal where I want to be thanks for everything Love lots Amber :)

  2. BRI!!!
    Ok well as far as the female athletes that eat like teenage boys.. I will be with you during those outings and hopefully we can lean on each other, and as you know I am trying to be healthier and more confidant young woman. I love your blogs and they're very inspiring. :) -Nicole

  3. You make me so proud Bri! I absolutely love how you put yourself out there to inspire others to a life of health and fitness. What a great example of how to set a goal for yourself and taking all the essential measures needed to make it happen. I know that you will completely KILL this challenge and I look forward to watching your transformation. Kick ass girl! XO ~Lisa

  4. WOW!! I love that you put yourself out there. First and foremost I KNOW you will kick ass with your challenge. He'll if you have pushed and inspired me to take the Paleo challenge you will get through this easily. I lok at your pictures and what I see is a strong fit woman that has a realistic body. An everybody can do it body. I love the fact that you have all those curves because it shows an everyday woman who strives to be fit and strong. Something that makes women like me say "now see I can do this i can be thick but be fit" as opposed to all the skinny women that I can only dream of being like. You are more realistic than anyone I know and that is what keeps me going and pushing myself...well and of course you pushing my ass too. But I am so thankful for you. I've never noticed drastic changes until you. Love ya and keep up the hard work. Yadira

  5. Wow Brianna- it is so awesome that your honesty and determination continues to inspire so many. Changing lives, 1 at a time. Awesome. I am so proud. :)

  6. Bri, this is a very delayed comment and many more are to follow. You have ALWAYS inspired me, and the support and attention you give to others is beyond appreciated. As much as you do this for yourself, I know you are doing it for others even more - to motivate, inspire, and challenge. You have inspired me to go paleo (slowly), AND get excited about it! You are my hero, love u! -Ally
