Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Survival and Avoiding The Rut

First off, thank you all for your amazing support regarding my last post. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I love how this blog has spread to people that I don't even know. I'm happy that my own journey toward optimal health has resonated with some of you. I would love to hear from all of you, and again, thank you to all who have stepped up and shared their journey.

I thought I would post an update on how I survived traveling with limited healthy choices and lots of unhealthy temptation. I basically lived off Larabars, beef jerkey and fruit. Not the best choices for sustaining a balanced, healthy diet, but it was better then my other snack options. I technically stayed Paleo while gone, but I know it wasn't the best form of Paleo to sustain. Our flight home was delayed, which meant being awake for twenty seven hours before reaching my pillow. Unfortunately, this set the tone for the rest of my week. I hate being unorganized and out of my routine. However, I have learned from past experience that if I let myself stay in a rut, it is VERY hard for me to get back into my healthy routine. So this week, I dragged myself through my workouts and made sure to dial in my diet again. However, sometimes no matter how much you do to gain health and normalcy, lack of sleep and sub-par nutrition will reek havok on your body. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, and today I'm feeling the effects of a head cold. Ughhh.

Anyway, I'm sure I will bounce back from this little cold soon enough. I'm popping Vitamin C and Fish Oil like candy (I wish!!). The point of this post is to do what you can to establish and maintain a healthy routine and do not let one cheat meal turn into a cheat day/week/month. Don't let one missed workout turn into a habit of sleeping in or sitting on the couch instead. Don't skip your scrambled eggs for your packet of oatmeal. It may be the easier and more appealing option at the time, but what is it going to do for you long term? Getting stuck in a rut with your health leads you on the path to nowhere. Climb out of your rut, and don't look back. You will begin to feel better and your routine will re-establish itself.

Now, in the same breath, if it becomes too much, and you get sick (like me!), give yourself a break. Rest your body to the best of your ability. Nuture your body with sleep and the highest quality of nutrition. Manage your obligations with healthy recovery as your top priority. Your body is a machine and if you give it the right fuel (sleep, nutrition, exercise), it will heal and power you toward optimal health.

When I get home from coaching tonight around 8:00, I will eat the dinner my lovely husband made, chat with him for a while and call it bed time shortly after (I'm aiming for 9:30). Cheers to a healthier tomorrow!


  1. Hey Bri, I know we don't bump into each other much at Crossfit but I do read your posts & I love your progress!

    Drink tons of hot tea with honey & that head cold feeling will be gone in no time!

    p.s. I love that you posted that "Don't Quit" photographer friend has been wanting to do a photoshoot with me with those words on my knuckles, too! I need to make time for that!

  2. Thank you, Tina! It's funny...when it comes down to it, we're all in the same boat when it comes to achieving the best version of ourselves. I'm no different than the women I train, the girls I coach, and all of us at Crossfit. We all experience the same feelings and struggles. That's why I enjoy writing this blog. :) I'm glad you have enjoyed the posts!
