Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Would John Wooden Do?

"What would John Wooden do?"

I find that I have been posing that question to myself a lot lately. I have been overworked and stressed for the past few weeks. My hours with my wellness job have increased because I am working on a major improvement project, which, when completed, will be totally amazing for the company and everyone I train. I have been putting in extra hours and doing research into the night, even after my water polo practice. Meanwhile, we are in the last month of water polo season and just had our first two conference games (2 wins, yay!) this past weekend. I'm spreading myself thin between time spent at my wellness job and dedicating my time to practices and game preparation during the most important time of the season for my team.

I try to balance my life so that I can genuinely find enjoyment in everything I do. I work hard and put forth extra time for the wellness company, because the people I work with deserve it...they work hard for me. Same with my water polo team; they work hard every day whether it's for a championship, a starting position, or for the hope of getting playing time...their work ethic is not something I ever want to, or have to question. I LOVE seeing these people work hard and find success; it inspires me.

It is easy to get burned out, even when doing things that you love. I am blessed to have two careers that keep me motivated. It is rare to talk to people who genuinely love what they do. I see hard work pay off all the time, and it keeps me going.

When I'm overworked, grumpy, angry, disappointed, and mentally defeated, I seriously ask myself, "What Would John Wooden Do?" How would he handle this person/situation/experience? John Wooden was not only a great, winning coach, but he was a mentor to many and a true man of God. He was loyal to his players and to the sport of basketball. He was a family man who loved his wife more than anything. He had his priorities straight and his life balanced...even during the most challenging of times. John Wooden was loved and respected for his values...which I consider to be more important than any championship, statistic or accomplishment. How you choose to conduct your life speaks true to your level of integrity. Hard work creates miracles. It inspires, whether it be a 10lb weight loss, winning a championship, or simply receiving a genuine complement from you boss. Just keep working for the greater good.

My daily mantras come from J.W.:

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."

"Things turn out best for those who make the best out of the way things turn out."

"Material possessions, winning scores and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord, because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters."

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