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Yep, this pretty much sums it up. |
1. Don't be girl on the treadmill or the girl that walks around the neighborhood with weights in her hands. If you want a real workout, walk up a hill with a weight vest on. You won't look as stupid.
2. Pink or Purple Dumbbells. Just stop. You're embarrassing me.
3. Any dumbbell under 8lbs. Seriously? I can guarantee you that your purse weighs more than 8lbs. So if you can hold your purse for 3 hours at the mall, you can lift weights that will actually challenge you for 15 minutes.
4. Don't wear, or ever buy gray workout pants again. Sweaty crotch and ass stains are never hot....especially if it's visible. Stick to black, or material that won't show sweat.
5. Get a supportive sports bra. Even the best boobs shouldn't move to their own rhythm.
6. Don't wear makeup. Sweaty foundation marks look ridiculous and mascara streaks will scare men away. Speaking of men, not that I am a man, but I'm around them a lot. With this, I feel confident saying that a quality man will appreciate a woman who is confident enough to walk out of the house and get in a hard workout, without the insecurity of wearing a ton of make up to the gym. Save the make up for after the workout.
7. Rule for ALL: Wear deodorant. Also, don't spray your whole body with perfume. A little is fine, but you know what I'm talking about.
8. Don't get on a cardio machine with a magazine or book glued to your face. Save it for after your workout when you are exhausted on the couch. Your workouts should be at an intensity where you couldn't imagine being able to read and move simultaneously.
9. Do not EVER buy shape ups, or any knock off brand of shape ups. To prevent me from ranting, just read this if you really want to know why you made a bad purchase.
10. Spandex is not appropriate for all shapes and sizes. Be confident, but please, check yourself before leaving the house. Modern Family Spandex anyone?
11. Do not run/elliptical/bike/walk while talking on the phone. Chances are, the person next to you wants to smack the phone out of your hand.
12. Keep your music to yourself. I don't wanna listen to Rhianna vicariously through your headphones.
13. Put a shirt on. Guys may like it, but girls wanna punch you.
14. Get rid of the mindset that lifting weights will make you bulky. Don't believe me?
15. Eat real food. No diet pills, diet shakes, lemon juice concoctions, etc. If this stuff worked, there wouldn't be any fat people. Consume high quality, real food throughout the day.
16. Stop checking yourself out in the mirror or window reflection every 5 seconds.
17. It's great to workout with a friend. It's not good to just blab the whole time about how drunk you're gonna get this weekend. Remember why you're there.
18. Don't facebook at the gym.
19. Starbucks on the treadmill? No.
20. Smoking before you go into the gym? What's the point of working out... obviously being healthy isn't a priority to you.
21. Walking. Although, it is great for people who are morbidly obese and rarely get their ass off the couch, it more than likely isn't gonna constitute a workout for anyone else. You are made to walk...consider this, walking from your car into your work building isn't something you consider exercise, right? You can prance your ass all around the mall without calling it exercise. So, don't waste your time going to the gym, with the idea of walking as your form of exercise. If you want to walk, do it in addition to your workout- your dog will love you and it's a great way to clear your head. If you really, really wanna walk for weight loss, walk up hills, or with a weight vest, or consider speed walking intervals. You have options- don't waste your time strolling at 3.0 on the treadmill and expect it to make a difference.
This post is not to deter you from working out. It's just intended to give you a reality check if you are doing some of these things. Again, my opinion does not matter, I'm just simply voicing it. So, if you didn't know better before, now you do. Stay healthy and classy, friends.
I may also add that never trust a girl who works out with makeup ;) What is your opinion on this topic? What’s the deal with wearing makeup to the gym? Is it off limits? If so, what should you do to your skin before working out? Maybe, I've asked you too many question, hopefully no. The answers are quite simple and are on the lay on the surface. Just carefully read this article: http://www.agsinger.com/working-out-with-makeup-on-acne/ if you are interested.