Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Keep the Mom Jeans

You know, sometimes I just wanna walk around wearing a shirt that proclaims, "I love rap music, swearing, barbells, Tequila and bikinis." With Cade on my hip. Yes, I do feel like I have something to prove.

Why? Because there's this misconception that once you become a mom you're automatically lame. It's terrible! Take me to a bar...I still have game, dammit and I'll prove it (with enough Tequila, that is). I don't want to "look" like a mom. I want people to be surprised when they find out I have a know? Is that so much to ask?

 I think a lot of people assume that once you become a mom all you care about is your precious babbling baby, stroller walks, mommy talk and how often your baby shits. And I'm over here like, "keep your mom jeans and stretch mark cream!" Although, workout pants/leggings may be the new version of mom jeans and for that, I'm way guilty. Anyway...

Here's my selfish cry for awareness. Being a mom is awesomely amazing. And horrendously hard. And it makes you crazy and redefines a LOT of your life and priorities. doesn't change everything. It doesn't mean that I don't want to go out with my friends, or that I'm gonna start using pink dumbbells instead of heavy weight, that I don't care about my career, or that I'm going to trade in rap music for baby lullabies. Hey people, I am capable of having a normal conversation, and my interests haven't changed....I've just added some mama talk versatility to my repertoire (who am I?!).

I love Cade. Duh- have you seen my Facebook and Instagram? I'm ridiculous now! I've totally become THAT person who only posts baby pictures. I will talk about him endlessly...I mean, check out every blog I've written in the last 6 months! He totally occupies every ounce of brain power I have. Thankfully he's adorable and kinda melts my heart. But anyway, I by all means I welcome and enjoy a break from the crazy-new-mom mode. That reason alone is why Jared and I escaped to the Dominican. It was good for our mental health!

So, if you are friends with a new mom and you're like, "dammit! She's sooo lame now!" I don't blame you for thinking that. I absolutely LOVED this article where the author talks about how she secretly hates it when her friends announce pregnancy because it means everything is about to change. So true. So very, very true. I've been a train-wreck and am beyond grateful for the friends who have seen me through this change and have been patient with me. I'm also grateful for a select few that have kept me in check and haven't allowed me to completely fall off the deep end into mommy land with the other crazies.

So, with that, I'd like to give a shout to my sister who has kicked me out of my house so I could get a pedicure in peace, for the guys at the gym who entertain Cade while I hit a heavy squat set, for Jared who watches Cade while I work, to the friends that know to actually come to my house because it makes it easier for me to hang out without having to worry about my psycho baby losing it in public because he missed a nap, to my mom who got me Lululemon instead of furry slippers, for the friends who have forced (ok, maybe I forced them) to go get a drink with me and for my best friend who has not allowed this new adventure to change our friendship and the substance of our conversations. Thanks for keeping me sane. For knowing what to do. And what not to do. For making the effort. Seriously people, it's the little things that really do make the biggest difference.

Hold onto your crazy mom friends. You'll need them one day cuz motherhood is a kick to the face and I'm pretty sure it makes everyone declare temporary insanity at one point or another. However, there's no one better to hold your hand through it all than a friend you have always loved, who has already been there and done that and wants to help you during this change. And if you don't want kids...let your crazy mom friend be your reminder to take your birth control. ;)


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