Strength Through Wellness

Finding Strength Through Wellness

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cuz it's more fun to be nosey

I love blogs. I love to research. I'm a strength and conditioning, health and nutrition nerd. It's fun for me to talk, write and read about other people's lives, as well as my own. I will self proclaim myself as nosey, passionate, sometimes a repetitive know-it-all (ouch), and wanna-be-inspirational. BUT, I'm kinda, really, ok with that. I'm human and waaaay far from perfect. Thus, this blog.

I realize that I talk a lot about my experiences with clients. I use them as fuel for this blog. I use their experiences (and my experiences) with weight loss, weight gain, struggles, life issues, etc. I try to spread the word of strong, healthy fitness and nutrition to whoever reads this blog. I only know a few of my readers (thanks to those who have reached out), but I realize facebook is a crazy world and this blog has been passed to many different computer screens. I know I am extremely opinionated when it comes to health and fitness. I'm entitled to an opinion, as we all are. I'm continually earning my street cred through experience and education. I'm passionate about everything I write about! So, with that, there will be many people who do not agree with what I have to say and the advise I give. I completely respect varying opinions because that is what makes this field, and life in general, so damn interesting. There are always new studies and people who are constantly re-defining health and fitness. There is no one size fits all approach to your health and lifestyle. There are only fundamentals that can be built upon, and I hope to emphasize those fundamentals in this blog.

I LOVE to talk about being REAL: real food, real exercise, real experiences, journeys, facts, and inspiration. I've been pretty real about who I am, where I have come from, and what I am currently doing. I share this blog and varying stories and experiences because I DON'T know it all; I'm continually learning from the best, most respected sources out there.

This blog may not always be fluffy and pretty. You may not agree with what I have to say, but my intention is to simply provide another opinion and maybe even inspire someone a long the way to try something new, something scary and something that could change their life. So, Cheers to spreading the word about being confident, real, and physically and mentally strong.

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